

Barley seeds

Champs à renseigner

Every season we try to implement improvements in production through relationship with cooperants. We offer new varieties, new production technologies and most importantly, the price is adjusted to the market situation.

During the delivery of barley, each trailer is being sampled to determine the quality of barley (moisture, protein, admixture, calibration).

Champs à renseigner
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Malting barley seeds

Malting barley

Champs à renseigner

Axereal is first in Croatia in the production of malting barley. 

Production of malting barley is our core business. We organize this production for more than fifteen years. 

  • Our partners produce winter and spring varieties and deliver barley to malting plant Slavonija slad in Nova Gradiška. 
  • Collection of malting barley is being done on several collecting locations depending on the season. The main collecting place is in Nova Gradiška, and barley can also be collected in other places if needed. 
  • Assortment of malting barley seed is adjusted to the needs of beer industry. 
  • In production are only those varieties that give top quality malt. 

Winter barley

Winter barley

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Spring barley

Spring barley

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RGT Planet
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Feed barley

Champs à renseigner

Barley is a major crop for the industry of cattle feed. It is recognized for its multiple benefits such as the energy it offers and high protein content. We offer you two high-yield varieties of feed barley - Etincel & Vertti. Thease two winter six-row barley are characterized by good protein content and good nutritional value, as well as excellent tolerance to plant diseases.

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Barley catalogue

Champs à renseigner

Production technology

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Dominus seeds