Feed humans,
work for a better world


Our Products

Our main activities

Champs à renseigner

The main activity of the production branch of our company is to produce and sell certified seed of wheat, feed and malting barley, soybean, produced in closed chain. Distributing seeds of corn, rapeseed and sunflower our trusted partners. Produced seed we put into production with favourable contracting solutions,providing support throughout the production season. After production, we buy the crop at market price and we guarantee a secure market to our partner producers.

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Barley seeds
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Wheat seeds
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Soybean seeds

Our other seeds activity

Champs à renseigner

Axereal Croatia also offer corn hybrid seeds, corn, sunflower and rapeseed from several seed houses. MAS Seeds is one of our trusted partners, specialized in hybrid selection, they are leading European hybrid seed producers. 


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Corn seeds
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Sunflower seeds

Green manure

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Zelena gnojidba


Champs à renseigner

In order to be able to respond at every moment to the needs of our customers we are able to offer them different types of fertilizers. We provide Axereal branded micro granulated fertilizers and foliar fertilizer products.

As well we are able of to offer the following fertilizers at their request: NPK, PK, MOP, MAP, KAN, UREA i AGROCAL from our suppliers.

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Microgranulated fertilizer Axereal LocAx
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Foliar fertilizers Axereal offer


Champs à renseigner

An adjuvant is a preparation without plant protection effects, but which, when mixed with a treatment, improves the functional properties of the spray and thus the overall efficacy of the treatment.

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Stop foam

Crop protection products

Champs à renseigner

For producers with whom we have contracted agricultural production, we are able to offer crop protection products so we are able to follow process of the production from the beginning to the end of the production chain.

Production technology

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Dominus seeds
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Postrna soja
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